About me


I received a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering with a concentration in Software Engineering in 2020 and a master’s in Computer Science in 2016 at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA. Khanfor received the Exceptional Achievement Award in 2020 from the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology. He works as an Assistant Professor at the College of Computer Science and Information Systems at Najran University, Saudi Arabia. He manages the innovation and patents with a plan to increase the number of patents and licenses. Spread awareness of the impact of the patents as knowledge economic thrust and reflect the national strategies on the university. His research interests include the Internet of Things, graph theory, and machine learning.

What I Do


Investigate various research topics and emerging technologies in Software Engineering, the Internet of Things, and Graph Theory to add a diminutive contribution to the body of knowledge.

Software & Systems Design

Defining the elements of a system and using architecture, modules and components to ensure a successful system that is scalable, adaptive, and resilient autonomy.

Patents & Innovation

Creating new ideas and innovative products that can enhance or provide value to the users is an excellent incentive for innovators, and registering these ideas is a great reward and recognition.

Teaching & Training

Having a long teaching experience. Besides, the novelty of guiding the learners to explore new knowledge and share experiences is one of my passions and strength.

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